How the capital riot was a traumatic experience for Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez

Recently in an Instagram Live Rep. Alexandria has opened up about her traumatic experience during the capital riot. She has been a survivor of sexual assault and here she compares it the the fear she felt beck then as well. She tells how weeks before she had been getting messages from various Congress members to prepared form violence on the day of the Electoral College certification.
On 6th January while she was searching for a place to have lunch on her shone she heard someone banging on her door. She says that there were no yells and no voices identifying who was there, just the sound of violent knocking like someone was trying to break the door. She adds that her experience is similar to that of many others on the day of the riot but she chose to open up about it and tell the world how cared she was. She felt like that was end which meant everything was over and she was going to die.
What compelled to her to come forward with her experience with the riot was the lies told by the Republicans about how the election was “stolen” by Donald Trump. She also points out how now they are trying to tell us that his isn’t a big deal which means they are just trying to move on without any accountability and truth telling.