He’s 100% Fine: White House After Joe Biden Stumbles Thrice While Boarding Air Force One

He’s 100% Fine: White House After Joe Biden Stumbles Thrice While Boarding Air Force One

US President Joe Biden stumbled thrice while climbing up the stairs to his Air Force One plane on Friday. In a statement issued soon after the incident, the White House clarified that the President had simply lost his balance because of windy weather and was ‘100 percent fine’.

Videos shared widely on social media showed the US president climbing about a dozen stairs before briefly losing his footing. He then appeared to regain his balance and make it up a few more steps, only to trip again.
Biden then got back to his feet for a second time, leaning on the railing for support.

He looked unsteady at first but managed to amble up the remaining steps with ease.

The White House said the incident was not serious. ‘I can tell you he’s doing fine,’ deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a briefing. ‘It’s pretty windy outside, it’s very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself. He is doing 100 percent fine.’


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