Zuckerberg doubts Musk’s cage fight, not anticipating its occurrence.

Zuckerberg doubts Musk’s cage fight, not anticipating its occurrence.

Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Meta, expressed scepticism about a proposed cage fight with his rival Elon Musk, stating he’s not overly optimistic about it. This exchange took place on the Threads social media app, where Zuckerberg suggested August 26 as the date for the showdown. In response to Musk’s claim of training consistently, Zuckerberg stated his readiness but mentioned Musk hadn’t confirmed the date.

Their rivalry intensified with the launch of Threads in July, making them direct competitors. When asked about mutual agreement, Zuckerberg humorously likened it to “funding secured,” alluding to Musk’s prior claim about taking Tesla private in 2018, which resulted in a fine and regulatory limitations.

Musk raised doubts about the fight’s feasibility, citing potential neck and upper back surgery as a complicating factor. He teased that the fight might be broadcast live on his social media platform X, with proceeds benefiting veterans charities.

The stakes seem significant as Meta, which owns Instagram and Facebook, launched Threads and garnered over 100 million sign-ups initially. However, the platform reportedly lost over half its users by the end of the following month.

Musk’s takeover of X, previously known as Twitter, led to controversial changes like requiring logins to view posts and mass firings. Musk’s earlier offer for a cage fight had playful exchanges, with Zuckerberg responding, “Send me a location,” and Musk suggesting “Vegas Octagon,” referring to the UFC competition mat.

Despite the banter, Zuckerberg takes martial arts seriously and is enthusiastic about continuing to compete. Musk’s reference to “The Walrus” move appeared tongue-in-cheek, hinting that his challenge may not have been entirely earnest.

In the midst of this rivalry, it remains to be seen whether the proposed cage fight will ever materialise or if it will remain a light-hearted exchange between two high-profile figures.


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