Vandana Anchalia, the woman behind Kannan Animal Welfare

The best step towards self-improvement is getting out of our comfort zone. This step is even more valuable and important if you are doing this with self-less interest.
Vandana Anchalia, Founder of KAW is a perfect example of this. She left her corporate job to take care of stray animals and She also participated in Mrs. India 2020 to spread awareness about her noble motives. Her story of helping numerous abandoned and homeless animals inspires others to be kind like her.
Vandana has been working for about 7 years for Animal Welfare. As she recalls the day, her hustle started when she witnessed her neighbor brutally beat a stray dog, the incident tore her heart and from that moment onwards she was determined to take it all on herself for providing shelter for animals.
“I kept looking out for animals in need and over the course of a year, I rescued 37 dogs all in need of medical assistance and better care. They were sent to shelter but not a single one survived, at that point I understood that unlike humans animals have no choice of quality care not even in dire circumstances.”
Vandana began her journey of KAW In 2015. She established KAW as part of the Kannan Foundation, which started off as a small center for 20 dogs, which specializes in dire medical conditions. The center is now home to 120 dogs rescued from situations such as abuse, accident, neglect, or human brutality.
To learn more about shelters Vandana visited organizations of other countries. In India awareness about the poor conditions of stray dogs is minimal hence spreading light on this issue.
She participated in Mrs. India 2020 and was among the top 20 finalists. She knew the pageant understood the importance of self-caring and self-expression as it promotes confidence and what better place to stage your cause than Mrs. India. She raised awareness about the issue and highlighted the animal cruelty behind the manufacturing of health and beauty products. She promoted her cause of animal welfare, and she believed that this platform could promote the need for compassion and could encourage others to dedicate themselves to the cause.
Vandana won the honor of Mrs. Beyond People’s Choice at the Mrs. India Inc 2020-21 competition – a title that indicates just how much people resonated with her cause & dedication.
She dreams of opening a multispecies sanctuary where she can provide quality work with companion animals, livestock, wildlife. The vision of multispecies sanctuary includes on-site animal hospital and clinic, living quarters for full-time shelter staff, volunteer lounge and stay area, sustainable and environment-friendly infrastructure, facilities to increase community value.