The use of exposed breasts in Adidas sports bra advertisements is prohibited.

For depicting explicit nudity, Adidas sports bra advertisements with photos of naked breasts have been banned.
On a tweet and two posters, images of the breasts of dozens of women of varying skin colours, shapes, and sizes were shown in a grid arrangement.
The Advertising Standards Agency determined that all three versions were likely to offend a large number of people.
The ads, according to Adidas, “highlight just how different breasts are” and thus the importance of wearing the right sports bra.
Adidas UK, according to a spokeswoman, firmly stands behind the phrase, which it continues to post on its website.
The tweet, which was sent in February, said: “Breasts of all shapes and sizes, we feel, deserve care and comfort.” As a result, our new sports bra collection includes 43 different styles, ensuring that everyone may find the perfect fit.
“The reasons we didn’t develop just one new sports bra,” read the two posters, which featured cropped photographs of 62 and 64 women.
The advertising watchdog received 24 complaints alleging that the advertisement objectified women by sexualizing them and “reducing them to body parts.”
Some people had contacted them, inquiring whether the posters should be displayed where children could see them.
The post was also reported by some users, but it was not deemed to be in violation of Twitter’s rules of service.
The ASA stated that the way the women were shown in the tweet was neither sexually explicit nor objectified.
However, it was discovered that the tweet was likely to be interpreted as explicit nudity, necessitating cautious targeting to prevent offending anyone.
It was decided that the posters should not be used in untargeted media where children could see them. The images were created to “reflect and celebrate different shapes and sizes, illustrate the diversity, and demonstrate the importance of customised support bras,” according to Adidas UK.
The photographs had been cropped to conceal the models’ identities and safeguard their safety, they said, adding that all of the models in the commercial had volunteered to appear in it and were supportive of its goals.