Thousands sign up to count plastic waste for a week

Thousands sign up to count plastic waste for a week

Thousands of individuals will participate in a national assessment of how much plastic we consume by counting their waste for a week.

The count, which is being organised by Everyday Plastic and Greenpeace, will begin on Monday.

According to data, only the United States uses more plastic per person per year than the United Kingdom.

The count, according to campaigners, will provide new insight into how homes use environmentally harmful materials.

Making new plastic requires a lot of energy and fossil fuel, and it stays in our environment for a long time. Plastic can only be recycled two or three times before it degrades too much.

From human blood to Arctic snow, microplastics have been discovered.

From May 16 to 22, 151,000 homes, 96 MPs, and 4,180 classes will count every piece of plastic they use.

According to government statistics, households in the United Kingdom recycled 44% of their waste in 2020.

However, some plastics that are placed in recycling bins end up in landfills or incinerators or are even transferred abroad to be dumped.

Daniel Webb, the inventor of Everyday Plastic, tracked his plastic for a year in 2017, filling 40 bin bags with trash.

Participants in the Big Plastic Count receive a packet with instructions on how to count the plastics they use in 19 categories. They then count each form of plastic garbage before throwing it away or recycling it.

Everyday Plastic and Greenpeace will analyse the data to create a nationwide picture of plastic waste.

The campaigners claim that the government and stores must take drastic measures to curb plastic production and enhance recycling rates.

Maria Hughes, who lives with her husband and two children in Newport, Wales, said she is participating because she believes we are “drowning in plastic.”

To reduce plastic trash, the government hopes to implement a deposit return plan and other measures.


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