The first casualty of the Channel accident has been identified as a Kurdish woman

The first victim of this week’s mass drowning in the English Channel has been identified as a 24-year-old Kurdish lady from northern Iraq.
On Wednesday, Maryam Nuri Mohamed Amin was one of 27 people killed while attempting to migrate into the United Kingdom. Her British fiancé said she was texting him as the group’s dinghy began to deflate. She tried to assuage his fears by assuring him that they would be rescued.
But rescue arrived too late, and she, 17 men, six other women, one of whom was pregnant, and three children perished when their inflatable boat capsized off the coast of northern France.
Only two people survived: an Iraqi and a Somali. The disaster resulted in the largest death toll from drowning in the English Channel in recent years.
Maryam, also known as Baran, was on the boat with a female relative, according to her fiancé.
Maryam’s presence in the UK was supposed to be a surprise, he added, and he had no idea of the attempted Channel crossing. He stated they were texting each other on Snapchat just before the dinghy began to lose oxygen. The boat started deflating, and Maryam explained that they were trying to drain the water out of it.
In her last communication, he said, she was attempting to soothe him and give him hope that the authorities were on their way to rescue them.
According to reports from Calais, the two survivors of Wednesday’s sinking have been released from the hospital and will be questioned about the number of people on board.
Her father, family, and friends gathered at their house in northern Iraq on Friday night to express their sorrow and remember her.
Maryam’s best friend, Imann Hassan, described her as extremely humble and having a very big heart.