COVID-19: The BA.2 Omicron variation is causing an increase in infections in the United Kingdom

COVID-19: The BA.2 Omicron variation is causing an increase in infections in the United Kingdom

According to estimates from the Office for National Statistics, COVID instances have continued to climb in the UK, with an estimated one in every 20 people affected.

All age groups are affected, including those aged 75 and up who are due a spring booster jab to improve their immunity.

Hospitalizations are also on the rise, although experts say immunizations are still helping to prevent many severe cases.

The majority of infections are now caused by a readily transmitted sub-variant of Omicron known as BA.2.

The recent relaxation of limitations and declining vaccination immunity could also be contributing causes.

According to the ONS infection survey, which tests thousands of people at random in households throughout the UK, 3.3 million people tested positive in the week ending March 12 – up from 2.6 million the week before.

For the seventh week in a row, infection levels in Scotland have risen. They’ve already surpassed a previous peak, with 376,300 people, or one in every 14 people, being diagnosed with COVID last week.

It comes as the UK continues to ease limits on COVID. Even if they haven’t been vaccinated, travellers travelling in the UK will no longer be required to take a COVID test as of Friday.

It’s part of the government’s Living with COVID approach, which emphasises personal responsibility and mass immunisation over regulations and restrictions on what people may do to safeguard the public.

Due to the increase in COVID, Scotland’s laws on face coverings in shops and on public transportation will be in effect until April.

Scotland, according to Sarah Crofts, head of analytical outputs for the Covid-19 Infection Survey, has the greatest level of infections yet.

Because of the high infection rates in the UK at the moment, as well as the lack of COVID restrictions, almost anyone could contract the virus.


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